On Saturday, February 6th, cities and towns across California and the US were driven in an action sponsored by the National Nurses Organizing Committee demanding a single-payer healthcare system. Naturally, Peace & Freedom Party members and voters came out in solidarity for the event.
Photographer from the Riverside Press-Enterprise (at right behind car) snaps a photo of Margie Akin of the Riverside County Peace and Freedom Party Central Committee as the San Bernardino caravan for Medicare For All prepares to get on the road.
PFP State Chair Kevin Akin prepares to join San Bernardino caravan for Medicare For All on February 6, 2021
The caravan progresses through San Diego. (For more on the San Diego Calcare action, click here.)
PFP State Secretary John Reiger prepares to join caravan demonstration for Medicare For All in Sacramento on February 6, 2021.
Peace and Freedom Party sign displayed in a car in the San Francisco caravan for Medicare For All on February 6, 2021
PFP State Central Committee member C.T. Weber at the Sacramento rally for healthcare for all, February 6, 2021
Susan Muysenberg puts signs on her car for the medical care caravan in Mountain View.
In Redding, PFP Shasta County chair Robert Brown (at R in third photo up) and Joshua Brown
rode in the CalCare car caravan and participated in the related rally that day as well.